Sunday, January 31, 2010

Media Literacy by Kathy Cassidy

This video shows how fast technology is growing and how it is helping our children. I was very amazed after watching this video because it brought to my attention I will have students just like the ones from the video in my class. I have to be able to educate them on very high standards. It is very unique how they understand what a blog, wiki and skype is and how to use these programs.

The children in the video understands the purpose of a blog and the proper way to comment on a blog. Children today who have the material and tools to learn are learning at a much faster rate than children long ago. The rate at which they are learning will possible allow the students of the future to graduate at an earlier age and give them more opportunities within their career.

Iphone used by 1 year old baby

The video on the baby using the iphone is amazing. Children developing cognitively fast. Their intelligences is far beyond the normal I Q. This video is an example of how as a future teacher I need to be prepared to educate my students as well as get educated by my students. There will be times when my students will have to instruct me which is all apart of being an educator. Teaching is becoming more experimental and exciting which will drive more people to look into the teaching profession.


The smartboard lessons podcast was recorded in the process of the producer eating lunch. I did not enjoy this podcast much because of how it was recorded. The kidcast podcast was interesting to me because the topic touched on video podcasting which some people refer to as vodcasting. In this process you are doing a podcast but using video on the media. There are different formats of podcasting.

Audio podcasting is the best and safest podcasting. The importance of video podcasting is to capture nonverbal interactions. Content may require demonstration.Podcasting consist of using a portable media player. Students learn more by visual demonstration.

EdTechTalk is a podcast of a radio talk show. Students will bring their opinion about the topic of the show. the show give students opportunity to create a show and what do they think of it. The most challenging part of this podcast is finding guest. The host would like for the students to find the guest of the show. Facebook is one source for finding guest.

Macbreak Weekly podcast is about publishing high quality blog. Advertising through a podcast. I did not enjoy this podcast much because of the way it was recorded. This Week in Photography podcast is a talk show advertisement. A guy is interviewing people and getting their opinion on blogging. I did enjoy this podcast because it not only advertised but it also gave people the opportunity to speak their opinion on the product.


  1. True, there are many formats for producing podcasts. I understand what you are saying about video casts and being able to see product or task demonstrations. However, If you are only doing audio you can still do demonstrations you just have to be a lot more descriptive. SS

  2. Though I wish your statement about drawing more people into the teaching profession were true, I really doubt more people will want to be teachers for many different reasons but mainly for the money. But if you think about it that is better for us because if you flood our market with more teachers and we become a dime a dozen then jobs will become more scarce for us then they already are.

    I definitely agree with your SMARTboard podcast comment. How very rude and unprofessional of him to try and do a podcast in the middle of ordering lunch. I tried to listen to that three different times and still didn't get anything from it other than he ordered soup.
