Friday, February 26, 2010

Assignment for 02/28/10

Using writing as multimedia is not fundamental it is incremental change. It will take time and eventually become the dominant resource for writing courses. It deals with sharing knowledge, collaborating and composing film as well as documents that are both visual and written. The writing material include material that was used years ago so it is a little old and a little new. As change come about we will be working solely in a digital environment.

Material is changing before our eyes and updated daily. Itunes is a resourced that is considered multimedia and great to visit because there you can find academic lectures and plenty of technology resources. We as future educators must be in the business of sharing ideas freely to produce alternative stories and distribute it globally and freely. Teaching writing can be a problem if getting access to all resources are not available.

People have become great composers using multimedia instead of using alphabets. To create spaces to teach multimedia it is going to require extraordinary combinations that we do not have as well as inspiring teachers to teach the writing courses. The goal of this technology is not the technology itself but what it allows us to tackle which is the fundamental problem of humanities.

The movie is a great example of a college student completing a network course. The 21st century student network include many communication tools. The teacher is needed for the networked student because she teaches him how to build the network. The teacher is there to offer guidance when the student gets stuck. Teacher is there to show the student how to communicate properly. The teacher is also there to show the student how to distinguish between good information and not so good information. The teacher is there to instruct the student how to turn a web search into a scavenger hunt.. The teacher is there to help the student to organize their information and to prepare the student on creating a PLN. Taking a hybrid course is great but it can become very challenging for students who needs direct instruction on what to do and how to do it. I am one of those students. I love taking hybrid courses as long as it is an thorough base instruction course. I am also a some what moderately slow learner so I have to be shown more than once how to complete a certain task.

I enjoyed the video about evolution and I deal with social anxiety everyday. I am always worried about saying the wrong thing and if my opinion counts. We have to stop talking about what needs to be done and start doing it. Many people are critics of what someone else have done and have contributed nothing to the project. In my future profession I will still have to be worried about what I say and if people will judge me by my opinion.

I really enjoyed Alyssa's post for comments 4 kids. She included facts about a two toed sloth that I did not know. I learned two or three new things about the sloth that was very interesting. I did leave a comment but it has not posted to her blog because it has to be reviewed by the teacher first. A link to her blog is

The progress of my PLN. I am building my PLN with many resources. The University. I am acquiring educational information from my teachers and my peers who seem to have a passion for teaching and is providing me with lots of information. I am acquiring my information on the job through various teachers. I am a substitute teacher so I ask many questions about the profession I am seeking a degree in and all of the teachers are very helpful. The websites I am building my PLN with include Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, Blogger, Itunes, Skype, Utube, Gmail, and I am currently building many more.

1 comment:

  1. Here are some more suggestions for developing your PLN:

    Beth Still suggests this Instant PLN to create a list of teachers to follow. Also you should read this NY Times article Getting the Most Out of Twitter

    And be sure you look at David and Jacki's new blog Mathis Gorski EDM310 Projects

    You also cannot afford to miss Jackie's own personal account of her PLN development The Evolution of My PLN - Initial Post
