Monday, March 29, 2010

Assignment for 04/04/10

Mr. C’s class blog is a great example of how technology is becoming so modern and is changing the way teachers approach the education process. Its is allowing for them to involve people all over the world in their career to help them become a better teacher. In dear Kaia’s This This That blog she is only a baby and is learning how to use technology and share it with the world. Her father is teaching her great techniques on how to look closely at things at find something beautiful in them. Kaia is already being very well educated even though she lives in the desert, but it is not stopping her from learning. The post are great examples of what technology can do and how your ideas can be spread across the world and if you have concerns about something how they can be answered by someone who may know something on that subject matter. I can see teaching and learning in the future being very open and independent. It will allow from the youngest person to collaborate with people world wide and become educated about many things as much as they like.

Hello my name is Carlecia and I am in Dr. Strange's edm310 class. I really enjoyed reading your stories about the exciting time all of you had at the senior playground. I remember when I was in elementary school how exciting it was to visit any playground just to get a relief from all the school work. Once again I enjoyed reading your stories and keep up the great work. Here is a link to room 8 at Pt England School blog


comments for week ending in 03/28/10

I am a student at the university of south Alabama in Dr. Strange's edm310 technology class. Reading and commenting on your blog is apart of my assignment. I really found your post to be very interesting and educational. I also feel it is a great opportunity for someone who is willing to work with children and help reshape the school into a better place for learning. . I enjoyed reading your blog and I look forward to learning much more from your post. I am leaving a link to my class blog. Please feel free to comment on my post at any time I am also leaving a link to my class blog you can check out which is

comments for week ending in 04/04/10

I am a student at the university of south Alabama in Dr. Strange's edm310 technology class. Reading and commenting on your blog is apart of my assignment. I really found your post to be very interesting. I believe a website for people to visit and share their presentations would be great because people learn from others and they do get ideas from others as well. I would post my presentations there and visit the site regularly to get ideas from others on for my projects.I enjoyed reading your blog and I look forward to learning much more from your post. I am leaving a link to my class blog. Please feel free to comment on my post at any time I am also leaving a link to my class blog you can check out which is

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Assignment for 03/28/10

Morgan Bayda

Morgan Bayda’s post is an inspiration for all college students. All the issues she and Dan addressed have crossed my mind. I totally thought I could become paperless this semester by purchasing me a little netbook and basically becoming more professional. When I get to all of my classes every syllabus says "we will learn the old fashion way paper and pencil" I have been discouraged every since. We are not in the old fashion days and I believe as adults we should be able to use whatever material we desire as long as it is not a disturbance. We as college students pay way too much money for this in my opinion "nonsense". Touching on the issue of too much work. I have not figured out the reason for teachers giving a tub load of work and a novel of pages to read every night. Teachers fail to realize that most college students are full-time and work full-time and also have to be full-time parents. In my opinion I believe it is just busy work as if we are in high school because that is what I feel like.

Touching on the topic of boring teachers or teachers that rant as Dan would put it is causing many college students become less interested in school and even so discouraging as to drive some students to drop out.. My attention span is not very long like many other individuals and I need topic and discussion time in order for me to grasp the material and be able to remember what was taught for the future. As you stated how can you be a lazy teacher yet teach your students to be enthusiastic teachers. I also feel we are cheated out of our money every semester on books. We spend hundreds of dollars on books and honestly in some classes I have never open my book for some classes. When I get ready to sell the book back guess what it is no longer in use at that university or the would like to give me 10% of what I have spent. Also having a PLN is a great part of education and learning because as in Ms. Bayda‘s post by her having a PLN she was able to find volunteer work for free because she was able to voice her opinion worldwide and it was recognized. In my opinion Ms. Bayda’s opinions and thoughts should be addressed in the college meetings because it is becoming an ongoing problem.

Hello Hannah my name is Carlecia McIntosh and I am in edm310. I do not think you talk to much you just like to express yourself verbally. Creating a blog post is a great way to express your ideas about what ever you like. I do like you blog and the way you have it set up. If you would like to get more ideas or share your ideas with me you can visit my blog at Here is a link to Hannahs blog

Monday, March 22, 2010

Comments for teachers Assignment

I am a student at the university of south Alabama in Dr. Strange's edm310 technology class. Reading and commenting on your blog is apart of my assignment. I really found your post to be very interesting and educational. I really learned a lot from you blog because I did not know you could do so much with a document camera. It is a great idea to use technology resources as a way to enlighten people on things they may not know. This will allow teachers to set up their daily schedules, grade homework, do classroom quizzes and also do a lot of brain storming. I enjoyed reading your blog and I look forward to learning much more from your post. I am leaving a link to my class blog. Please feel free to comment on my post at any time I am also leaving a link to my class blog you can check out which is

I really enjoyed your post on technology in the classroom. The young lady who was the key not speaker stated some great points about technology does need to be used in the classroom because it is used in the world. Teachers are afraid that technology will take over the classroom but it is only a means of an end to achieving better education. Interactive whiteboard should be put in all schools throughout the country because they grasp students attention and promotes better achievement and more participating students in the classroom. Once again I did enjoy the video and I am also learning more and more about technology everyday from your post.

Hello my name is Carlecia McIntosh and I am in Dr. Strange's EDM310 class. Reading your post is apart my assignment. I really enjoyed reading the assignment because you made great points about children need to be heard. Children are the future and in order to shape the future to be a successful place we have to get the ideas of the ones who will be in charge of the future. Adults have the tendency to not listen to children because they do not know what they are talking about. Needless to say if they were to listen more often they will more than likely learn something. I can only imagine how exciting and fulfilling your visit was and how influencing the people you met were to you. Once again you are a very bright young lady and continue to voice your.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Assignment for 03/12/10

Alex is a website that provide information and resources for teachers to guide them in their teaching career. The way you gain access to this in log in on the website, click on new user and setup an account. It is free and computer guided. The website allows you to submit lesson plans to be reviewed and revised and also used by other members. It provides you with your personal workspace so therefore it can be added as your PLN.

The resources available for teachers on Alex include, courses of study, weblinks, lesson plans, search engine, personal workspace, professional learning development, podcast treasury and a help search engine. With these resources teachers can find information that will help them throughout e their professional study. As a future teacher, I plan to use the website and resources to get additional ideas on my lesson plans and to also get feedback on my progress as a new teachers. The website is for technology illiterate and literate teachers and it may also teach the illiterate teachers how to become technology literate.
The Access Program is to provide equal access to high quality instruction to improve student achievement through distance learning. The Access DL plan provides Alabama students with access to quality instruction and coursework by blending three regional support centers to hire, train, evaluate, and support e-teachers. Access is also a technical infrastructure to deliver approved web-based courses and connect IVC labs via a statewide network.

The goal of Access is to continue to meet objectives of the Access plan, expanding the availability of Access Distance Learning to all public high schools in the state. It provide access to advanced diploma courses. Access provides access to Advanced Placement and dual enrollment,dual credit courses. It also provides access to remediation and supplement resources. This is a great website for teachers to visit to get information about Alabama high school Advanced Diploma Programs.


I really enjoyed the videos on the pancake race and how to make pancakes. I also learned from the post as well. I did not know Pancake Day was called Shrove Tuesday and it originated around 1445 in England. I always enjoy reading the comments4Kids post because they are always interesting and educational. Here is a link to their blog

Friday, March 5, 2010

Assignment for 03/07/10

I really enjoyed the lecture by Mr. Pausch. He touched on some great topics about achieving success in life. Mr. Pausch speech was much about in all that you do in life make sure you engage in helping others. Always try to find something to do that involves doing something to brighten someone’s day. He also made a great point about how to teach someone something hard. He stated you have to have the person think they are learning something else.
The speech also was very inspiring because he motivates you throughout the speech about following you dreams. He does not feel anyone should not have dreams and not follow their dreams. He feels everyone should try to be happy everyday of their life and keep the negativity out of your life. He encourages everyone to strive hard at what ever dream your pursue and be the best you can at whatever you be.
Through his speech he tells many stories about his parents and how he blessed to have had such great, inspiring, and caring parents in his life. He talks about how strong and encouraging his father was. His father always talked to him about be the best you can be and to always find a way to help others. He also was told by his father to put others first. His father taught him to love and care for his family and to put God first.
Mr. Pausch was giving his last speech to an audience who was under the impression the speech was an inspirational speech for them but in turn it was intentionally given for Mr. Pausch children. This misinterpretation goes back to what Mr. Pausch stated in the beginning of his speech about when you are trying to teach a lesson have your audience think they are learning something else and in the end they will have learned the intended lesson.

Comment4kidsI enjoyed the video because I learned some teaching tips form it. As a teacher you have to be very detailed with students because they only do what you tell them to do. The students did not seem to understand the lesson that was being taught because the teachers only told them about the information that would be on the test. The students did not feel the other information in the lesson would be important to know so there for the teacher had a hard time going over the lesson because no one knew what he was talking about. This is a link to their blog