Monday, March 29, 2010

Assignment for 04/04/10

Mr. C’s class blog is a great example of how technology is becoming so modern and is changing the way teachers approach the education process. Its is allowing for them to involve people all over the world in their career to help them become a better teacher. In dear Kaia’s This This That blog she is only a baby and is learning how to use technology and share it with the world. Her father is teaching her great techniques on how to look closely at things at find something beautiful in them. Kaia is already being very well educated even though she lives in the desert, but it is not stopping her from learning. The post are great examples of what technology can do and how your ideas can be spread across the world and if you have concerns about something how they can be answered by someone who may know something on that subject matter. I can see teaching and learning in the future being very open and independent. It will allow from the youngest person to collaborate with people world wide and become educated about many things as much as they like.

Hello my name is Carlecia and I am in Dr. Strange's edm310 class. I really enjoyed reading your stories about the exciting time all of you had at the senior playground. I remember when I was in elementary school how exciting it was to visit any playground just to get a relief from all the school work. Once again I enjoyed reading your stories and keep up the great work. Here is a link to room 8 at Pt England School blog


comments for week ending in 03/28/10

I am a student at the university of south Alabama in Dr. Strange's edm310 technology class. Reading and commenting on your blog is apart of my assignment. I really found your post to be very interesting and educational. I also feel it is a great opportunity for someone who is willing to work with children and help reshape the school into a better place for learning. . I enjoyed reading your blog and I look forward to learning much more from your post. I am leaving a link to my class blog. Please feel free to comment on my post at any time I am also leaving a link to my class blog you can check out which is

comments for week ending in 04/04/10

I am a student at the university of south Alabama in Dr. Strange's edm310 technology class. Reading and commenting on your blog is apart of my assignment. I really found your post to be very interesting. I believe a website for people to visit and share their presentations would be great because people learn from others and they do get ideas from others as well. I would post my presentations there and visit the site regularly to get ideas from others on for my projects.I enjoyed reading your blog and I look forward to learning much more from your post. I am leaving a link to my class blog. Please feel free to comment on my post at any time I am also leaving a link to my class blog you can check out which is

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